Want to become a DJ with ATMinHD NETWORK?
ATMinHD NETWORK has been a place where a group of people (DJ's) work together in a volunteer setting for the benefit of our listeners. Our listeners range in age from 7 years to ++ and all our music that we play ON AIR MUST be Family oriented
Each DJ working with ATMinHD NETWORK is unique and is what makes ATMinHD NETWORK a Happy Place for our listeners, We are a place our listeners can visit to escape from the trials and tribulations of their day... THUS, political and religious views of each DJ are not to be aired. Bad mouthing anyone, businesses or companies is not allowed. ATMinHD NETWORK IS NOT an avenue for Self-Promotion or a place to flirt or 'pick-up' a listener.
Once your submission has been reviewed, you will be contacted by one of our ATMinHD NETWORK staff with a response. All submissions will be replied to. Your submission materials will not be returned.
We understand that the above may sound a little formal. ATMinHD NETWORK is a family, and all famlies have rules to live by so that there are no misunderstandings. We hope you are still interested in joining our family and would like to be considered for an On~Air position at ATMinHD NETWORK.